For the first time in 40 years I flew without any fear even in the middle of patches of rough turbulence. What a terrific sensation to be able to relax on a plane.
It seemed so natural, and yet all those years it wasn't, it was at minimum extremely nerve wracking and at worse, terrifying. This is all thanks to you and EMDR. --Carole
I wanted to pass on to you something (my partner) said to me. She said that since that first EMDR session where we worked on that loud voice calling me a loser I have been in much better spirits, better able to deal with work, and she says that in the 23 years (she's been my partner) you have done more for me, she thinks, than any other therapist. She says she sees the most significant difference in my work with you. That made me feel happy. I told her you are a very skilled therapist. I've had many so I know the difference. --EF
The thought that you are listening to me and helping me to look at things in a more healthy way, is helping me to stay sane. Thanks for being there for me Cynthia. All those testimonials are your web site are true, but they can't even come close to explaining the care that you have given to so many. Bless you for being you. --RC
I've told you all my deepest darkest secrets, even stuff I haven't told my husband, and you never judged me and always made me feel normal. I can't thank you enough for that, it's been an incredible gift. --CR
Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. You helped me more than a tiny bit. It was huge and your generosity to a stranger contributed to some life changing moments in my life. --Diana
I thank you for the time and energy you gave to me. I was so touched by your generosity and availability. Know, that I am very grateful that fortuitous circumstances, seeing your ad, had me respond and reach out, something I have never done previously. You were an truly an angel for me at a very tender time of falling apart and incoming back together. I am appreciative of your weekly emails as well. Thank you for bringing your generous gift to the world and being you. --DS
I can totally say that I probably wouldn't still be alive if it weren't for you! I had tried several other doctors and therapists and just kept getting more and more depressed. It was confusing too because everybody told me different things and nobody really had an answer that was helpful. I started feeling better after the first session with you. You gave me hope I didn't have anymore. You sent me to the right doctor for the right medication. You cared and followed up with me to make sure nothing was falling through the cracks. Normally I would have been able to do all of this myself, but when i came to you, I just couldn't anymore. I could tell you saw something good in me I couldn't see in myself anymore. I was really close to killing myself, and you turned that around. I am so grateful, I can't even tell you! Anyone I come across who needs a therapist I tell about you. Thank you!! --KR
I noticed real shifts following that EMDR session we did a few weeks ago. Although I forget the details of the session, I know what the general topic was. I have felt amazed at how much easier it is to stay connected to the people in my life (I think stemming from feeling worthy of the connections, and less drained by them); and how much easier it is to tell that the isolated feelings are from the past and do not reflect my current life. I've noticed places where the "more broken than other people" feelings get triggered (meeting new people who I particularly like, for example), but even there, I've been able to see it as a track my mind goes on rather than assuming it to be the truth.
I feel amazed at how much this is changing in my life... and I know that the EMDR session with you played a big role. Today I got a bit sunk in some similar material (it is lifting now), and I am reminded that I've had the thought that it could be useful to set up another double session to do some EMDR on some of the other "angles" of this pattern.
Thanks so much, Cynthia, for your wisdom, healing presence, and emotional girth! You have helped me make some tremendous shifts in what felt like immoveable stuff before! --AJ
I read a couple of people's questions on your online forum earlier today, and I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the answers you gave. It is not just experience that gives you the ability to answer just the right thing. --MP
Yes, [your book] has helped. To be honest, I am not that depressed anymore. The book is excellent.
best regards, --e.
...I had a real conversation with her after asking myself, "What would Cynthia do?" I knew you'd look at me directly and ask me frankly, "Have you told her how you are feeling?" And then i'd say something about not feeling worthy. But instead, I chose to honor my worth and ask for what i needed.
My life is pretty unbelievabe, by the way. I have an incredibly challenging yet rewarding job, a beautiful family, and i'm relatively SANE! Whenever my students or others ask me how i did it, despite the obstacles, i tell them my story...and it ALWAYS includes those months (or years?) of therapy with you as a CENTRAL part of finding my way out of the dark. --PS
I never even knew you did all that... no wonder you were such a great therapist! Thank you so much for all the help you were to me. I have been doing well. I am happier and more adjusted than ever. --Spirit
Thanks so much for being a support to me. You'll never know how much you have helped me! --XX
I just want to let you know what a gift your book is to me. I am nearly finished with it and it amazes me that it is holding my attention for such long lengths of time. I have not been able to concentrate this long in over a year (mainly because of PTSD). I absolutely love my therapist (literally, that is another issue I'm dealing with) and she uses talk therapy. It has been so helpful for me and I can't even imagine where my head would be if I had not been seeing her every week for a year. So I'm not complaining.
I just want to let you know that I can see how the cognitive aspect will really help me. You have written it in a way that is easy to understand and opens my eyes to why I feel and do some things. Your support both in the book, and online has been such a comfort to me. I was starting to lose hope with all the setbacks my son has had, but now I am really trying to keep a positive attitude, as being depressed hurts too much.
Thank you so much! You have been a blessing to me. --Margaret
Hi! I was a client of Cynthia's and I wnted to share my experience because it was phenomenal! I had been in therapy for yrs already with someone else and i got alot out of it but I kept feeling really uncomfortable with my partner when he touched my breasts. I love him dearly and didn't want to feel that way but I couldn't help it and nothing else seemed to help. Cynthia did EMDR with me for some sexual stuff that happened to me when I was in elementary school and in a couple of sessions I didn't have any discomfort with my breasts being touched at all anymore. It's a year later, and it still is completely gone.
Cynthia is so great to talk to that I wanted to stay and talk to her about whatever was hard in my life, but really the rest of my life is fine so I stiopped seeing her but I would go back in a red hot minute if I ever had something bothering me again. --Malia
I'm a client of Cynthia's and I just wanted to let all of you who are considering therapy know that she is awesome! Nobody has ever understood me like she does. I always know she's not going to judge me no mater what I say. She's helped me so much! I used to hate myself, and now I'm startig to see myself the way Cynthia does. Its making me happier than I've ever been! --EA
I just wanted to write and tell you, that out of all the many many web-sites that I have "visited" to read about depression, I was absolutely amazed at how your list "How Blue Are You" rang true to me, more than anything else that I have read.The other lists are always so general and generic, that I have always felt like no one really understands what I am feeling. --SS
I just had to post this because I suffered with severe jealousy for many, many years. I just completed the EMDR series with Cynthia, and my jealousy issue has reduced significantly!!!!!
I know how painful and self-defeating being an overly jealous person can be, and this is what caused me to seek therapy with Cynthia in the first place.
Please do yourself a favor and try it, if you are suffering. I am living proof that EMDR will help you.
Note: This is not a paid endorsement - I just felt so strongly about how I have been helped that I wanted to share it with others. --Mimi
Although I am sad and discouraged to be feeling that way, it made me feel less alone, knowing that other people must also feel these same ways otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come up with such a sensitive and accurate list.
I look forward to reading more of your work.
In recovery and with hope, --Sally
I think you're great! Thank you for the service you offer! --Boo Boo
Dr. Lubow,
I am so glad you responded. Thank you. Your message
gave me the courage to seek the help I'm looking for...
Once again, thank you for your compassion and giving
me the strength to seek help.
Happy Thanksgiving!
(From Self Esteem workshop for women):

The entire process was very cathartic. Now I'm hungry for more. No other therapist has ever helped me the way this workshop has made a difference for me. --CM
Thank you so much for stretching yourself and doing the workshop. You and Colleen make a great complimentary facilitator team. I could sense it was deeply meaningful for many of the participants. I too enjoyed participating and was de-lighted that I attended as well. It was worthwhile of the time and energy to devote a beautiful Sunday, to re-member, re-align and have it land in my soul, just a bit deeper and to remember just how valuable to being in community is and how collectively so much gets worked on. I was re-minded that together everyone moves to the next vibratory level of existence ,as we sit in the room, energetically hand to hand, heart to heart, sharing in our similar journeys of self discovery and self love. I thank you both for sharing your time, energy, expertise and hearts. All 20 woman present will be forever altered, having been given the opportunity to come together, say yes and share themselves and their precious journey. Thank you. --D
[The best things about the workshop were the] community and to hear the information that you and Colleen gave to us again. It was inspiring and comforting. --B
I just wanted to thank you and Colleen for the great workshop! I think I learned a lot and enjoyed myself. --TN
*(Please note that names have been changed to protect privacy).