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Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change
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Goddess Shift:
Women Leading for a Change

"A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult."

—Melinda Gates, The Gates Foundation

For millennia, woman have been without a strong leadership voice in human affairs. No more! Women are now in positions of power in every branch of government, business, and social organization. They are providing a new style of collaborative and visionary leadership, which is changing the way society functions.

Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change is an anthology that celebrates these values. It includes chapters by women leaders in diverse fields of human endeavor. These range from entertainment (Oprah Winfrey), finance (Suze Orman), government (Angela Merkel), business (Meg Whitman), sports (Mia Hamm), social change and philanthropy (Angelina Jolie), and literature (Sue Monk Kidd).

In over forty inspiring chapters, Goddess Shift describes the shape of the new human family that is emerging from the leadership of these remarkable women, and the very different future they envision for the world we share.

"We need to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation. We have lost our way. And it begins with inspiration. It begins with leadership."

—Michelle Obama, First Lady

 * All royalties from this book go to these
nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the lives of
girls and young women around the world *

The Global Fund for Women
Promotes women’s economic security, health, education, and leadership

(Spanish for "To Empower")
Teaching simple wellness practices in communities affected by violence, poverty and trauma

Community-led development



Read what people are writing about Goddess Shift  (From Amazon.com)


Great book!, April 11, 2010 By  Valorie Fanger at Amazon.com

Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change (Hardcover)

This book is packed with inspiring stories by women from a wide breadth of backgrounds. I particularly liked the sections by Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, and Rossa Forbes. Each of these women faced huge challenges with courage. The book is an excellent resource for women of all ages. 

 Celebration of Wise and Strong Women, March 15, 2010 By  Reader Views "www.readerviews.com" Reviewed by Olivera Baumgartner-Jackson for Reader Views (03/10)

Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change (Hardcover)

Women are supposed to be the weaker sex, or so I remember being taught in school many years ago. Having grown up some, I've often been either amused or exasperated by that description. While it is true that throughout history women were oftentimes pushed into the background, their presence nevertheless was always vital for the success of just about any endeavor their male counterparts decided to take part in. Furthermore, it does seem to me that the present times have brought a real change in that particular equation and nowadays women are found in key leadership roles in every field imaginable, whether it is arts, politics, science, sports, industry or anything else you could think of. While I've often heard young women complain that they do not have any real female roles models, I've tended to disagree with that and it really pleased me when I discovered "Goddess Shift," an anthology devoted to strong, wise and powerful women of today, represented by forty-three fascinating and extremely diverse ladies who are shaping and changing the world we live in.

The essays in this brilliant collection range from inspirational to sentimental, from rather reserved, deeply personal to visionary and daring. Reading through them my mood shifted from moved to amused, from astonished and bewildered to admiring and feeling really empowered. I've met a lot of old "friends" - women who made me rethink what was possible for a female to achieve back when I was growing up, women whom I've admired and respected for decades now. Through reading "Goddess Shift" edited by Stephanie Marohn, I've met a number of voices new to me, who made me decide to look deeper into what the ladies whom those voices belong to are doing to change the world.

  It's about time..., June 1, 2010 By  Emilie A. Gosline (Los Angeles, CA USA)

Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change (Hardcover)

I found this to be a rather light hearted book. It is not preachy at all, except to say that women can now be at a partnership level with men, as Riane Eisler points out.

It includes some behind-the-scenes ideas and biography from some of the world's movers and shakers who happen to be women. I especially enjoyed Jane Fonda's memories of what happened to her in Viet Nam and the whole section on Visionary Medicine.

Two of the pioneers who have inspired several of the 44 women in this anthology are Gloria Steinam and Marija Gimbutas. Hats off to them!



Email: CynthiaLubow@yahoo.com 

 Cynthia W. Lubow, MFT

 For 30+ years, compassionately helping people build self-confidence and feel happier.

 San Francisco East Bay Area Therapist

I can work with anyone who lives in California through Skype

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