7 Feb 2007
Ok, so I finally got off my butt and went to see a therapist. She suggested I start a journal, so I'm doing my homework. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She didn't tell me I was crazy or anything, which I thought she would. She actually seemed like she was interested in everything I said, which nobody else ever is, so that was pretty cool. She asked me if I needed help figuring out what to say, which I did. Amazingly, though, I ended up talking right up to the end, and would probably still be talking if she hadn't told me it was time to go!
So I told her all about my ex-girlfriend who bugs the crap out of me. We have to work together, and I can hardly stand it. She tries to be nice, but I just give her the cold shoulder, because I know she's always going to go home to that bitch that stole her from me. I don't want to get a new job, but it's like rubbing it in every day seeing her. All I can think about is what they're doing at home, and how nice and cozy a family she has now and I have no one. I just spend all my time online, but that's not really like having a family. Though I guess for me, my online friends are sorta like my family. Like there's this girl I know from myspace. She's into the exact same kink as me! I didn't tell my therapist about all that--too embarrassing! Anyway, this girl is my friend, but she doesn't keep my bed warm.
I just wish Rochelle (that's my ex) would get a job somewhere else, and maybe I'd forget about her. Maybe I could stop driving by her house, trying to see if she and the bitch are having a good time or something, which I'm sure they are. I don't know how the therapist is going to help me, since she's not gonna get Rochelle another job or anything. We'll see.