I hardly know what to write. I'm becoming boring, I think. I keep wondering if I should stop going to therapy now, because I'm really doing fine. I'm actually kind of happy even. Ricky and I are really easy and comfortable with each other--he's so sweet! It's true we're not really having sex, but we're working on it. I think he's even sweeter and we feel closer since his Mom died. I like my job, I talk to my parents on the phone and it goes ok, most of the time. I think I might even be able to start calling her my "Mom." That looks a little weird, but it's probably ok. I don't know when I'm supposed to leave therapy, and I don't want to hurt my therapist's feelings. Also, I know I'm part of her income, and I don't want to hurt her income either. Hmmm, guess I'm being a bit of a Co about it. Maybe I should talk to my sponsor about it. I wonder if my therapist will let me leave. What if she tells me I'm too fucked up to leave?? What if she's glad to get rid of me?? What if I leave and then I regret it and she's mad at me for leaving and doesn't let me come back??? I should probably just talk to her about it. Everything else I've ever been scared to talk to her about has always been fine--great even, when I did talk to her. I sure would miss seeing her if I quit, though. I wonder if we could like meet for coffee or something sometimes if I'm not her client anymore. I don't know if I can ask that question! Maybe leaving will kind of jinx me and I'll have all kinds of problems right after I leave--or all these terrible things happen to me! It's hard to imagine not needing therapy. I am pretty different than when I started though. I just don't know how to tell when I'm finished being therapized! How do you tell when you're fixed!???